Rare Disease Day #StrongerTogether as you #StrutYourStripes

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  • Rare Disease Day #StrongerTogether as you #StrutYourStripes
    Part of Flutters and Strutters Organisation We’re stripey and proud We can hear hooves!… Rare Disease Advocacy with Zebra Strutters Rare Disease advocacy with FibroFlutters and ZebraStrutters This Section for Rare Disease Advocacy gives us the opportunity to raise awareness of the rare diseases that we have as founders and members. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is one that […]
  • Hello and Welcome to Our New Website
    This is our new website as we transition from FibroFlutters to Flutters and Strutters. So, hello and welcome and please bare with us as we redevelop and complete website construction.

Contact us: info@fluttersandstrutters.co.uk

If you feel you have skills that you can bring to help enhance us and are interested please contact us.

FibroFlutters & ZebraStrutters logo banner
Flutters and Strutters Reg No. 14065901.

Please note that we are not medical professionals unless it specifically says so. We do have partnerships with Healthcare professionals and they will be introduced as such every time we post anything of theirs.

Non Profit for chronic (FibroFlutters) & rare illnesses (ZebraStrutters) Patient Advocacy Organisation

Reg. No. 14065901

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